101 selected plants for a 36" (3ft) tank
5 x Elodea Densa
1 x Aponogetum Crispus
5 Eleocharis Parvulus (dwarf hairgrass)
10 x mini Amazon Sword or 10 x Sagittaria Pusilus
5 x Bacopa Monnerii
5 x Twisted Vallisneria
10 x Sagittaria Natans
5 x Rotalla Indica
5 x Cabomba Caroliniana
5 x Cryptocoryne Wendtii
5 x Hygrophilia Polysperma
5 x Ludwigia Mullertii
5 x Vallisneria Spiralis
5 x Ludwigia Natans
10 x Mayaca Fluviatilas
5 x Rotala Macranda
5 x Hydrilla Verticillata
5 x Cryptocoryne Parva
Our collections are ideal for the beginner to the experienced aquarist and contain a mixture of foreground, midground and background planting plus colour. Each collection comes with weights for bunching and Plants Alive Grow Tablets, a slow release plant food.
The 36" collection comes in 4 sealed bags with labels.
In the unlikely event that any of the listed plants are unavailable we will make substitutions to the same or greater value.