48" collection

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4.2 average, based on 6 reviews


Product Information

122 selected plants for a 48" (4ft) tank

5 x Elodea Densa  
1 x Aponogeton Crispus  
5 Eleocharis Parvulus (dwarf hairgrass)  
10 x Saagittaria Pusilus or Micranthemum Umberosum
5 x Bacopa Monnerii  
5 x Twisted Vallisneria  
10 x Sagittaria Natans  
5 x Rotalla Indica
5 x Cabomba Australis
5 x Cryptocoryne Wendtii
5 x Hygrophilia Polysperma
5 x Ludwigia Mullertii
5 x Vallisneria Spiralis
5 x Ludwigia Natans
10 x Mayaca Fluviatilas
5 x Rotala Macranda
5 x Hydrilla Verticillata
5 x Cryptocoryne Parva
5 x Hygrophilia Difformis or Echinodorus Paniculatus
5 x Eleocharis Vivipara
5 x Cryptocoryne Pondederiflia
5 x Salvinia Auriculata (floating)
1 x Nymphea Stellata or Nymphea Maculata
This collection is ideal for the beginner to the expert aquarist and contain a good mixture of foreground, midground and background planting plus some colour and floating plants.  The collection also comes with weights for bunching and Plants Alive Grow Tablets, a slow release plant food.
The collection comes packed in 5 bags labelled.

In the unlikely event that any of the listed plants are unavailable substitutions will be made to the same or greater value.

Product Code 7020
Condition New

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 4.2

Excellent Value

1 2 3 4 5
I purchased my first 48" collection in February 2010, at the time of writing (31/08/2011), some of those plants are still going strong. They were well packaged, clearly labelled with excellent instructions. The addition of plant food tablets and plant weights were most welcome. These were planted in a tank with silica sand substrate, standard T8 lighting, no CO2 or additional fertilisers and some large, destructive fish!! Most of the plants not only survived these not ideal conditions but also managed to produce lots of off-shoots. I would highly recommend the tank collections, they represent excellent value for money. (Aug 31 2011, 12:59 PM)
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